New Songs! “Dark Necessities” by The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Radiohead and Blink 182 Drop Another One

What a week for rock music it had been! I’ve written about Blink 182 and Radiohead already, but now the Red Hot Chili Peppers release something for their fans to slobber over.

Chili Peppers:


Their album “The Gateway”, coming out June 17th, is their second album without their legendary guitarist John Frusciante (which we, as fans, miss dearly) and featuring new guitarist John Adam Klinghoffer .

This song is pretty good. The bassline, to me, though, sounds a bit too much like “Can’t Stop”. That tends to happen with artist sometimes though. And Flea is still boss. It was reported that he broke his arm in a terrible snowboarding accident, yet they all still managed to finish songs for the album.

What adds a pretty different dynamic is the piano in this song. I barely ever hear piano in the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ music. So the addition of those background piano chords worked pretty well in this song.

Blink 182:


Now, Blink probably dropped the sussest teaser of all time. They released a  vine-lengthy 15 sec clips where Mark Hoppus says

” I wanna see some naked duuuuuuudes, that’s why I built this poooooooool”


I like how it shows that Blink 182’s “immaturity” is still there though. Their playfulness is definitely something I missed from them. Waiting for “California” to be released.



Radiohead is one of those legendary groups that never cease to amaze me. Their experimental approaches like the ones I talked about in “Burn The Witch“, blow my mind.

3 days after releasing Burn the Witch they oddly released “Daydreaming”. The piano, electronic work in the background, and Thom’s voice all add their own dynamic but come together as a hauntingly beautiful song, different from Burn The Witch. Burn the Witch’s violins were upbeat and happy but the song carried a very creepy vibe. There’s something about Daydreaming though that seems relaxing and reflective.

The Music video is pretty interesting. It shows Thom Yorke with a ghost like presence  going through various sceneries, from a random house to a snowy mountain,  all of which intertwine with each other. This video was released in perfect timing considering that their album, “A Moon Shaped Pool” was digitally released yesterday. My ears are definitely on the lookout, not only for this album, but for Blink’s and the Chili Peppers’. Long live rock music.


New Song: “Bored To Death” By Blink 182


Blink 182 is back! … Without Tom DeLonge. Seems like any type of reboot from my childhood just doesn’t feel the same anymore *Cries*. Anyways, since Tom was part of many side projects, he and the band thought it was best to part ways *cries even more*. His replacement? Alkaline Trio’s Matt Skiba.

Many wanted to see how that would work out. How would his voice fit with the rest of the band (considering that he is scheduled to sing)? Well, Mark Hoppus has the lead in “Bored to Death” so I guess well have to wait for their new Album “California” which comes out on July 1, 2016.

This song sounds dope. It opens us with the usual Blink 182 muffled/flanger drums sound intro. Speaking of, Travis Barker (as usual) kills it on the drums, Mark sounds better than ever, and the guitar work doesn’t sound too far off from Blink’s original stuff. One difference in the song is that it sounds a bit like the other pop-punk bands of the 2000’s; like Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Yellowcard, and Sum 41. Yes, they do technically fall under the same genre but I always felt like Blink 182 sounded different form them.

Either way I think the song is awesome. What are your thoughts? You like it ? Hate it? Can’t wait for their new album?  What is life without Tom?  Comment below.